Entries by adamb

OCT FGP Tutorial: Fulfilling a Publisher Request

Hey everyone! We know that submitting articles to Free Guest Post as a writer for the first time can be kind of confusing, so we’re here to help you out! There are three ways to submit a blog post. The first way is to fulfill a request by a publisher. You’ll find these requests under […]

How and When to Embed Social Media Posts onto Your Blog

“Embedding” posts refers to a specific function you can do with your social media posts. Most websites use social media buttons to encourage readers to share, “like,” “+1,” etc., but embedded posts are a little more intricate. Instead of a generic button for Facebook or Twitter, the embedded post shows up on your blog exactly […]

Why Switch to a WordPress Website

If you’re like the majority of website owners, your greatest hang-ups emerge when it’s time to make any type of update to your site. A section of content on your home page becomes outdated, and suddenly you find yourself at the mercy of your web designer or developer for something as simple as changing a […]

3 SEO Truths All SEO Managers Should Remember

SEO managers know that you can never get too comfortable. They’re a jumpy sort, hanging on Google’s every word and continuously adapting to ever-updating algorithm changes. It’s a lot of pressure, but in the midst of all the uncertainty, there are three universal truths that every SEO should remember as they continue plowing toward that […]