Entries by adamb

Staying Organized When You’re Working Anywhere

With great freedom comes great responsibility. And great risk. When you’re working on your own time, in your own environment, it’s not hard to succumb to your worst propensities towards disorganization and laziness. It’s not uncommon for freelancers to have multiple employers and projects on their plates—all while working from a home office. With crisscrossing […]

3 Guest Blogging Myths That Haven’t Died in 2015

You may have heard the rumors, but guest blogging isn’t dead. Many successful bloggers continue to use it as a strategy to gain credibility and attention for their own sites and online marketers believe it’s here to stay. Floating misconceptions about guest blogging halted its popularity last year, but with the right intentions, it is […]

Self-Hosted vs. Free WordPress Sites: Pros and Cons

So you’ve got a website, or at least great idea for one – now you’re faced with two options. Will you: Create a Free WordPress-Hosted Site or Host Your Own Website? Each has its own advantage, so it’s important to understand the differences between the two to choose the best option for your site. You won’t want […]